Media and It’s Impact on our Son

Did you know that data shows that men are more likely to engage in gun violence? I believe that media and culture has a negative impact on gun violence in the United States. I believe that video games, movies, and television shows does influence violent behavior in children,teens, and adults. I feel this way because children who play these types of games and watch these movies usually commit a violent crime/action.

I feel that media and culture has influenced gun violence in the United States because kids that love to play violent video games and watch violent movies usually commit a violent crime/action. According to the video ¨The Mask You Live In¨ states how boys are pressured to living up to the ¨standards¨ of being a man in the society that we live in today. The so called standards presented in the video were things like,¨Teaching how to fight, not expressing your emotions, and to act strong and tough.¨ Boys in the video have said when they are suppressing their emotions and living up to the ¨standards¨ the start to have negative thoughts. Those thoughts include things such as fighting,drinking,shooting others for the fun of it, and even suicidal thoughts.  These pieces of evidence  proves how when one is going through the pressure to live up to the standards of being  a man that society wants them to be it damages them internally. To live up to be an ¨Ideal Man¨ in 2017 is very difficult and stressful so its best that we be ourselves and not to let people and their opinions change who you are.

In conclusion media has a negative impact on our children and future generation of the world. With media it pushes these qualities that everyone is supposed to have. So for anyone reading this continue to be yourself and don’t every change that.



Gun Violence in my Community

I personally have never experienced gun violence but many of my peer and family have. Guns were created to protect us. Lately they have been doing more damage than good. Over 30,000 americans have perished from gun violence alone. As the years go on that number continues to grow. Without gun violence life itself in America would be different in the United States. I wouldn’t be scared when I go outside to go to school , Or anywhere in general. I care about gun violence very passionately because I have lost too many family members and friends due to it. I also care about gun violence because on day it can be me that dies because of it or my brother,sister,mom. I don’t want to loose my loved ones because of a weapon that is supposed to protect us

Gun Rates in the United States Vs. Australia

Compared to other core countries, the United States has the highest percentages of deaths caused by firearms compared to other core countries. In a CBS News report they stated,” Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other core countries, a new study finds.” This static is important because if you live in the United States there is a possibility that your life will be taken away with the use of a firearm. According to the video “Meet A Generation That Has Grown Up Free From Mass Shootings”  young woman that lives in the United States said,” I don’t feel safe living in the U.S.” This student feels this way because a mass shooting just happened recently when compared to students in Australia who couldn’t recall their last shooting. Now I personally feel unsafe as a student that lives in the U.S. Assistant professor Erin Grinshteyn stated,” These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us.”  Grinshteyn based his statement off of the statistics of he amount of gun deaths in the U.S compared to Australia. I one-hundred percent agree with Grinshteyn and his statement.  For one according to the data graph “Total Death Rates per 100,000 Population by Non-US High-Income Countries,2010″ the amounts of firearm Murder Rate the US is 3.6% compared to Australia’s which is .2%. That is insane we have 3.4% higher in the amount of murders with the use of a gun. By just hearing these statistics I’m starting to feel defenseless. The CBSNews report also stated that,”…Americans are seven times ore likely to die from violence and six times more likely to be accidentally killed with a gun.” Out of all the possible ways of perishing I think it’s appalling that I can die with a weapon  that was created for protection is actually killing us. In conclusion gun violence is a major problem that continues to grow in the U.S and it needs to be stopped.

In 1996, Australia experienced its deadliest mass shooting in history, in which 35 people died and 23 were injured. The Australian government responded to the massacre by banning assault riffles. In a CBS NEWS report states,” The Australian government subsequently introduced the National Firearms Agreement legislation that outlawed  automatic and semi-automatic riffles as well as pump-action shotguns.” The report also sates,” Gun-related homicides decreased 7.5 percent per year following the reforms,while firearm-related suicides have also fallen,according to one Australian study.” These quotes proves how with the ban in affect there death rates with the use of a firearm have decreased vastly and over time it continues to decrease. This ban on certain types of guns was actually a very wise decision for the Australian government to make. However, in the United States, the 2nd Amendment guarantees “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State , the right people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” I believe the 2nd amendment should not protect the right own assault rifles because these are they mainly used for military and infantry use. In the CBS News report it stated,”… Outlawed automatic and semi-automatic riffles as well as pump-action shotguns. A nationwide gun buy back scheme also saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities.” This quote proves how over 640,000 assault rifles and shotguns were turned into the authorities when Australia put there ban into affect. 640,000 gins could’ve caused a lot of deaths.  Based on the evidence from the CBS News report I’m pretty sure you would agree with me that the 2nd Amendment shouldn’t protect the right for people to own assault rifles. I personally don’t have a problem with people that own guns for protection but when certain types of guns are not protecting us but destroying us then that is when I believe there should be a law but in effect to stop people from purchasing or having possession of these types of fire arms. In conclusion the 2nd Amendment was put in effect to protect us citizens but instead it is starting to deteriorate our world, the amount of deaths and injuries that has been caused by guns is insanely high and it is a true disgrace.

Hip Hop vs. Gun Violence

Song Title: Peace

Message:stop gang violence

Format: descriptive storytelling

Tone: meaningful/realization




Sad for me to see brothers of the same colour killing each other

Bright young men getting involved in nonsense


There is plenty of stories about young men involved in gang violence who got the consequence


So let me paint you a picture with my words of a story you’ve never heard

Jay is 14 and likes to draw lives in the projects so he sees nothing but brawls

He can be an artist when he gets older like picasso or maybe vincent van gogh,but one day he got tired of seeing his mother struggle.


So he decided to join a gang and started trapping and robbing . He knew it wasn’t right but he had to provide for the fam at some point. Jay was going to school tired from trapping at late nights, He wanted to make his mom proud so he did his best to ace the tests. He was learning about gang violence and guns at school but all that information was going to waste.  Smh this a disgrace


Late night out with the gang fighting, and robbing. Jay thought it was fun

Somewhere along the line his mentality changed, from wanting the fam to have a better life to pushing weight. Jay wanted to be like Nike high like a god and always be great. He had big dreams of going to art school and starting a real career but along the line his bro’s all made that disappear.

One day Jay gave his mom some money , she looked at her son and asked,”where’d you find this honey?”  

Jay only said,” Just know I got it.”

She noticed him being out late on school nights and started to ponder,she came up with the conclusion that it had to be some drama


About a week later she came up with a plan

Followed him and saw Jay robbing an innocent man,through her eyes she saw a child of God now turned to satin. Now understood where the money was from she was so disappointed in her son. Tears now rolling down her eyes she couldn’t stand to the view so see the view

POP! POP! That was the sounds, looked up and saw her son down on the ground bleeding from his chest, the other boys left when they heard cops coming

She held her son and  looked him in his eyes a bright young man now dressed in disguise

  In the poem Peace written and edited by me my inspiration came from a film that I watched and in the film it showed mothers who lost their children due to the act of gun violence. All of my information presented in the poem came from my head. For the tone in this poem I wanted it to be serious and meaningful and my message was for all the young men and females living in chaotic neighborhoods. Just know that you can do whatever you put your mind to and keep your head up.

Gun Violence

Gun violence is a growing problem in America. The amount of people that have been victims of gun violence is honestly insane and that number of people continues to grow. According to website “The” ,”36 people a day die from gun violence.”I know 36 may not seem like a lot but that times 365 is 13,140 people a year . 13,140 people die a year because of gun violence and this is important because one of these 13,140 people can be one of our family members and they didn’t deserve to get their life taken away because of an idiotic act that someone did. Additionally “The Trace” stated that,”765 children die a year because of gun violence.” Now this statistic infuriates me very strongly. This is important because innocent children who haven’t gotten the chance to experience world die a year because of theses senseless acts. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. In conclusion this paragraph expresses my opinion and thoughts on gun violence and the victims that die because of it.