Toxic gun culture in the united states

Gun violence is a huge problem in the united states. Many kids when they grow up they will copy and want to be a gang member and follow the path of their parents and people they look up to, or maybe they won’t even be able to grow up and only able to live to the age of 5! I don’t want kids to die more than 316 kids die from 1 decade of gun fire. An expert nurse Scott Byington states ”if gun violence was a disease , there’s no doubt in my mind that we as a society will be doing more to treat it,” he says. In addition millions of birds die from toxic bullets left in the wild. Stand up to stop gun violence now.

U.S vs The Core Countries

The deaths from firearms in u.s. differ from other core countries because it has a higher death rate than all the other core countries. for example, a high-income such as Canada rate for deaths by firearms is 0.5 while u.s. is 3.6. that’s a huge difference because thats deaths per million. Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries. Overall, our results show that the U.S., which has the most firearms per capita in the world, suffers disproportionately from firearms compared with other high-income countries,” said study author Erin Grinshteyn, an assistant professor at the School of Community Health Science at the University of Nevada-Reno.” In the United States, the death rate from gun homicides is about 31 per million people — the equivalent of 27 people shot dead every day of the year.” This statistic shows how the gun violence rate is drastically high . Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States’ gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher(CBS news). All these facts and statistics that have been noted in this paragraph shows the difference between gun rates in the U.S. from other core countries.

Gun Rates in the United State Vs Australia

In 1996, Australia experienced its deadliest mass shootings in history, i which 35 people died and 23 were injured. The Australian government responded to the massacre by outlawing  automatic and semi- automatic rifles, ass well as pump- action shotguns. Also more than 640,000 weapons turned into authorities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I believe that the 2nd Amendment should not protect the rights of people to own assault rifles. I feel this way because there is a lot of mass shootings going on in the U.S. For example, in 2015, 756 american children have been killed by gunfire this year. Additionally to that, Americans are  10 times more likely to be killed by guns other than core countries.

toxic gun culture in the united states

Did you know that data shows that men are mostly to engage in gun violence? I believe that media and culture has a negative impact on gun violence in the untied states. i believe that video games, and tv shows do influence violent behavior in children, teens, adults. This is because there are personal and tested experiences that show that the media does influence gun violence.

I feel that media culture has does influence gun violence in the united states because a lot of personal experiences and expert quotes and reasons shows this. According to CNN, ” Sixteen mass shootings transpired across the nation of the course of this particular calendar years. All forms of media were present at all the events and covered them in great detail.” This shows that the media and culture does influence gun violence cause in the untied states, the media is very popular like Facebook, instagram and Snapchat that carries public posts and problems and drama everywhere And also ruin people’s lives. Also,, ” In studying more than 11, 000 shootings, the researchers concluded that 63 percent of violence events could be predicted via social networks.” This shows that media and culture does influence gun violence in the unites states because all things that happens gets put in the media and they put lies and everything together and sometimes hurts people’s feelings and causes anger. In conclusion, with all the evidence provided, this explains why i think, the media culture does influence gun violence in the Unites States.

Toxic Gun Violence Culture In The United States

I believe that media and culture has a negative impact on gun violence in the united states.I believe that video games, movies, and television shows does influence violent behavior in children,teens, and adults. I feel this way because violent things like this lead to gun violence in the future.

I feel that media culture has a negative influence on gun violence in the united states because video games and the media sends negative vibes to people who watch them which make it easy for them to go to gun violence in the future.

Toxic Gun Culture in the United States

Did you know that data shows that men are more likely to engage in gun violence? I believe that media and culture has a negative impact on gun violence in the United States. I also believe that video games, movies and television shows do influence violent behavior in children, teens and adults. I feel this way because there are psychological studies showing a correlation between violent media and aggressive behavior.        I feel that media culture also has a negative impact on gun violence and does influence gun violence in the United states because media can result in bullying or feeling like they don’t fit in. The types of media includes Blogs, Websites, Video games, social media, Television, Music, Radio, Wikis and so on. Many young boys who have been told to Men up would not know how to regulate their emotions or can’t express how they feel and this would allow them to think to feel like a men you have to own a gun to kill people.  Young children that grow up to mass shooters will lack empathy for other people, have low self esteem and be obsessed with guns and violent video games.                                                                       According to, Peter Langman a psychologist explains that “our culture and media put a lot of pressure on young boys and men to behave a certain way for instance a real man”. As the next generation comes young boys have always been told act tough, Responsible, Proud and be a hard worker but the whole point of this is that you dont have to act like a man to try and act tough. This show that Gun violence impacts media the most since many people experience bullying this can put them in the wrong mind to hurt others, For example, the Sandy Hook Elementary  the shooter himself  maybe lack empathy for others or didn’t view these children as innocent young kids. Some people who might feel depressed or vengeful would never shot 6 year old children, Langman explained                                                                                                                                         This shows that media and culture does influence gun violence in the United States because it may have a negative affect on many young people to grow up to be mass killers or hurt innocent people for no reason.



Gun Rates in the United State Vs.Australia.

Compared to other core countries, the United States, by having the highest rate of gun deaths. Other core countries like Australia banned certain guns to reduce the amount of gun violence. For example, “Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States’ gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher.”(CBS NEWS). Another point made in CBS NEWS is “These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us.”Erin Grinshteyn. According to CBS NEWS, “Americans are seven times more likely to die from violence and six times more likely to be accidentally killed with a gun.” CBS NEWS. According to David Hemenway, “many suicides are impulsive, and the urge to die fades away. Firearms are a swift and lethal method of suicide with a high case-fatality rate”(CBS NEWS). The last example is “The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.”(CBS NEWS).In Conclusion these evidence, facts,and quotes from experts all shows how die the death rates in the United States is higher that other countries. This is important because it shows how much people die a year, which is really bad.

In 1996, Australia experienced its deadliest mass shooting in history, in which 35 people died and 23 were injured. The Australian government responded to the massacre by banning assault rifles. According to NBC NEWS it states The Australian government …that outlawed automatic and semi-automatic rifles, as well as pump-action shotguns. A nationwide gun buyback scheme also saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities.” This quote is important because imagine the amount of guns that was turned in that same amount could of been the amount of persons who dies.” Another example is ” All credible research both in Australia and elsewhere shows that the gun control laws have markedly reduced gun-related deaths”(NBC NEWS).What the government did was very right and I stand by 100% with him. And banning certain guns really reduced the amount of deaths. However, in the United States, the 2nd Amendment guarantees “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” I believe that the 2nd Amendment should not protect the right of the people to own assault rifles. I feel this way because even though it states that people have the right to bear a firearm, but rifles is a different thing it has skills to kill people. For example, “After the expiration of the federal assault weapons ban in 2004, millions of such guns have been manufactured for civilians and remain unregulated in much of the country. Maryland’s assault weapons law is similar to California’s, requiring registration of those weapons lawfully possessed before the passage of the ban.” This information shows how the 2nd Amendment cannot protect our rights because persons are using these same guns to shoot people.

Gun Rates In The United States Vs. Australia

Compared to other countries, the united states firearms death rates are higher than most other countries.One example, is “Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the united states gun-related murder rat is 25 times higher.” This proves, that the united states firearm death rates are higher than most countries. Another example, is “The researchers also found that compared to people in other high-income nations, americans are seven times more likely to be accidentally killed with a gun.” This shows, that the united states are different from other core countries by having more firearm death rates. Compared to other core countries, the united states firearm death rates are higher than most other  countries.

The Australian government responded to the massacre by using legislation  that outlawed automatic and semi-automatic rifles, as well pump-action shotguns a nationwide gun buyback scheme also saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities. I believe that 2nd amendment should protect the right of the people to own assault rifles. I feel this way because if the 2nd amendment could protect people to keep and bear arms, the 2nd amendment should protect the right for people to own assault rifles.

How does the firearms deaths rates in the United States differ from firearm deaths in other core countries?

Compared to other core countries, the United States has a higher gun-related deaths. For example, one thing that shows this is, in a article by CBSNEWS, it stated that, ” And even though the Unite States’ suicide rate is similar to other countries, the nation’s gun-related suicide rate is eight times higher than other high-income countries, researchers said.” This shows that the Unites States has more deaths than other countries. Also, in the article, it stated that, ” many suicides are impulsive, and the urge to die fades away. firearms are swift and lethal of suicide with a high case-fatality rate.” This shows that there was a higher gun rate and more killings.

Australia Is Not Like The United States

Compared to other core countries, Australia firearm murder rate is 0.2, but the US firearm murder rate is 3.6. Now how is that? Well I guess Rebecca Peters know why! Here’s what she said, According to her quote on ” The Guardian”, “After our own mass murder, Australia didn’t ban guns, but we passed stronger regulations. Gun deaths dropped dramatically.” Well apparently the U.S didn’t do that because our gun deaths are still the same! But, what makes me even more mad is that the US firearm suicide rate is 6.3 but Australia’s is 0.8! Now that is very terrifying. It makes me wonder what makes them commit suicide and we don’t know when its happen and why its happening. According to “” it states, ” In 1988 Australia gun deaths was 674 and 24 years later in 2012 there gun deaths went down by 448 and it was 226 gun deaths, But currently I don’t know what there gun deaths number is in 2016 nor 2017 so far. In conclusion, U.S needs better gun laws like Australia so that our gun deaths can DROP!

Image result for australia gun death rate difference from U.S